Saturday, August 30, 2008
right now
i'm having blogging withdrawals! i didn't get to blog last night, and i felt lost! so right now i have a few minutes to say hey while my dad, aka Pappy, is making brunch. we're having pappy's famous french toast, bacon, sausage and fresh eggs....straight from grammy and pappy's chickens! yum-o!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
no toenails today...
SO FAR today has not been quite as eventful as yesterday...but it's only 6:23 p.m. there's still time!
colby was "sick" today, so we stayed home from school. i took him to the doctor to make sure it wasn't a sinus or ear infection since we're going out of town this weekend. it's just allergies. nothing wrong. he could have gone to school!! oh well.
i made him go to hobby lobby with me to get my niece's birthday present and of course i had to go look at the christmas stuff that's already out! i love christmas!!!!! i saw this really cute tree that i'm going to buy when it's on sale. check it out!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
had i not been the victim of this event, i would not have believed it!
i was sitting at my desk today waiting for my students to finish their assignment when one of my boys came up to me and said, "hey, mrs. hayes, remember how i said i have a dog?"
"well i have proof. do you wanna see it?" (i didn't doubt that the boy owned a dog. that's not a hard one to believe...giraffe, maybe, but dog, no.) a giant red flag should have popped up in front of me shouting, "don't do it mrs. hayes! just say no!"
"ok...." i think i was probably scooting my chair farther away from him at this point...he opened his hand and showed me several little black pebble-looking things...miniature poop, maybe?
"what is that????"
"it's her toenails! i trimmed them last night!" DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME NOT TO LAUGH OUT LOUD???
by now some other kids have noticed that there's a show-and-tell going on at the teacher's desk and one of them asked, "where did you keep those all day and not lose them?"
"oh, they were in my shoe."
like i said, had i not been there and someone was telling this story, i might not believe they were telling the whole truth. but I'VE got proof!
i am trying to keep my camera with me all the time so i can capture random {moments} in my never-boring life and boy was i glad i had it today!
so i said, "ok. now you're gonna think i'm weird but i'm going to take a picture of your dog's toenails because i like taking random pictures of things." he thought that was pretty cool. but now that i think about it....maybe i shouldn't encourage the boy. who knows what he'll have tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
happy pics
ok. here's the new picture of Frog! this is a happy picture! when i look at it, it just makes me smile.
this other picture makes me really smile...not because it's a great picture of anything. see that speed limit sign? last week it read 35 mph, and now it's 45 mph!!!! WOO HOO! this was the hardest road to drive the speed limit on! it seemed so stupid to have this stretch of road have such a slow speed. i'm a speed limit follower so it was really tempting to speed through here especially when some germ or heffer was on my tail. but now i can drive 45 mph!!! that makes me happy!

i had open house tonight, so my brain is kind of numb right now. i don't have any new challenge for you today, just keep looking for those little things around you that make you smile. i'm going to go TRY to finish reading Breaking Dawn, the last book in the Twilight series. i'm eager to see how it all ends!
Monday, August 25, 2008
too fast
he's back!
Frog is back!!!! I was clapping and giggling like a little girl this morning when I turned the corner and saw Frog! How weird is that? I was just saying last night how much I missed seeing his smiling face, and there he was! I didn't have my camera ready, so I decided that I'd get a picture this afternoon as we left. But as we got closer to his house, I noticed there was a police car parked in front and a teenage boy was sitting by his fence looking extremely unhappy. Then I looked across the street and saw a bright yellow sports car in the ditch! OUCH! So I figured that wasn't the best time for pictures...they might not believe that I was just taking a picture of Frog!
I'll have to get a picture tomorrow! How's your random picture hunt going?
Here's another random picture. It's Randy Quaid starring as Cousin Eddie in the hilarious movie, Christmas Vacation. He came up in an email conversation today with some of the teachers I work with. One of them even said she could see me showing up at school looking like Cousin Eddie. that a challenge?

Here's a challenge for you: Who is one of your favorite characters from a movie? Share with us!
For those of you who read this blog and say you can't comment because you don't have a blog, THAT'S NOT TRUE! Just log in as anonymous and add your name to your comment like you would sign a letter or an email!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
random pics
What's the point of this picture? There isn't one!!!
It just makes me smile! This little guy greeted us every morning as we drove to school last year, and one day I just decided to take a picture of him! I don't know what happened to him, but he's not there this year. It makes me sad to drive by his house and not see him perched up waiting to greet me with his cheesy little smile.
Since yesterday's post was so serious, I decided to lighten up today. So I started looking through my "Random Pics" file to find a picture that spoke to me, and this is what I found. I love taking random pictures especially of things that make me smile. They're totally rANdOm... somtimes the pics are silly statues, like Frog, and sometimes they're pictures of nature...God's awesome power and beauty all in one snapshot.
So, here's your challenge: While you are driving to work or wherever you go on a regular basis find something around you that either makes you smile or strikes you as God's beauty. If you have a digital camera, I would love to see the pictures you take! I don't know how you can add them to the comments, so just email them to me (if you want to share) and I'll upload them to my blog as I get them!!! Here's my email address:
P.S. I'm giving a shout-out to those of you who are reading this blog and aren't sure about leaving comments because you don't know if I would mind or not. (E and Summer :) ) Let me say this....I love getting comments!!! It's like getting a gift every day!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
interrogation over
ok. so it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be talking to the police. unfortunately, there's nothing that can probably be done because of the ages of the children....they're too old! there's no one at the pool now to back up my story, but that's ok. i guess. at least the creep knows that someone other than those kids heard his filthy talk and that someone DIDN'T think it was acceptable. maybe he'll leave.
but they did figure out that this creep is the step son of the man who's supposed to be watching the pool. the creep was "helping out" while the other guy was at his other job. from the HOA's standpoint, though, the creep ISN'T the one they hired so he SHOULDN'T be there. if something happened, the HOA would be in big trouble. maybe that will keep him away.....
i guess i'll just have to pray for the creep......
just sick
again, i have to say....what is wrong with people????
i just had my precious, INNOCENT, boys at our neighborhood pool for their last swim of the summer, and we HAD to leave. some man (and i use that term loosely) was down there claiming to be the one the homeowner's association hired to oversee the pool. we've had a lot of trouble with people coming to the pool from other neighborhoods, and we've had problems with people breaking the pool furniture, trashing the pool, etc.
as if it wasn't bad enough that he was pretending he belonged there, he started acting very suspicious...predator-like. there were some young teenagers there, 2 boys and 2 girls, with two little boys as well. when we got there, he was chasing them with a bug he caught in the pool net, making the girls scream. then he was just lurking around them in the water. i caught him a couple of times staring at us, but then he turned his attention back to the teens.
i got out of the pool and was laying on my towel, drying out. i could hear their conversation. first he told the teens that was going to go get a massage and he would be naked on the table. then the conversation quickly got appalling. let's just say that he was discussing "pleasing himself" and asking the teens if they ever did it!!!!! i couldn't believe it! the kids were laughing at him and joking with him!! i should have told them to run i didn't. i wished i had brought my phone with me.........
and then if ALL THAT wasn't bad enough, he grabbed one of the boys from behind and said, "i forgot to tell you, i'm gay." then he took the boy under the water, and when he came up he was underneath the boy pretending to be having relations with him!!!!!!!!!!
i got my boys and WE LEFT. i called daryl and told him what was happening, and he told me to call the HOA's president's wife. and the HOA president also happens to be a police officer :)!!!
so now the police are on the way to the pool, and i'm waiting to talk to them about this creep.
i'm just'd think your own neighborhood pool would be a safe place, but it's NOT! it reminds me of two things: satan is still at work in this world and we've got to look out for each other. we've got to stand against him and all the creeps he's got helping him. even if we feel powerless to take on evil alone (like i did at the pool) God has given us others to help us in this fight!
OK...i've rambled long enough. i'm kind of nervous about talking to the police.
so i have a challenge for us. the bible says to pray for our enemies, and this guy is definitely on my enemy list RIGHT NOW, but i'm going to pray for him. i'm challenging you to pray for an enemy in your life RIGHT NOW.
p.s. i'll let you know how the interrogation goes!
Friday, August 22, 2008
I cried today. One of my friends told me that she is getting a divorce. Her husband has found someone else. What a jerk!

This is the fourth friend of mine THIS YEAR who's been hurt by divorce. What is wrong with people? What happened to commitment? Divorce is so sad.
That's why I am so grateful for my wonderful husband. We have our problems, but who doesn't? But I know that he is dedicated to our marriage and our family. God has truly blessed me with Daryl to share this life with. I love him so much.
So here's my challenge to you in this moment...if God has blessed your life with a devoted spouse, tell him/her RIGHT NOW. Don't wait.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
This is my right now.
Thanks for the inspiration gina and nellie bellie!
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