i know i haven't blogged since wednesday. i'm sorry to all my blog fans out there! my internet was not working at all last night. i tried for many hours to get it to work, but it just wasn't meant to be.
so let's catch up....
thursday: no faculty meeting at 8 a.m. {woo hoo!}
when i walked in my room that morning after the kids started coming in i found a dr. pepper on my desk. i'd made a little deal with one of my students that kris allen would win american idol. he is a huge adam lambert fan, and every wednesday morning he'd come in and say, "kris stinks!" so 2 weeks before the finale we bet each other a dr. pepper that the other one's favorite wouldn't win. i never expected him to pay up. i really thought adam would win and i would bring him a dr. pepper! when i asked him if he'd take his picture with me and the dr. pepper i expected him to say no. instead he said, "sure. let me check my hair."
the coolest thing about the whole bet is that this kid has gotten a bad rap all through elementary school. let's just say every teacher knows who he is even if he's never been in their class. but he and i made a connection this year, and i absolutely love this kid! of course he can be a little varmint, but there's just something about him that makes me smile. so the fact that he paid up was a BIG deal to me!
photo of the day #140
the best dr. pepper ever

quote of the day: "Kris still stinks." ~Kolby
friday: today was my last friday of this school year! woooooooo hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
after school colby and i went fishing. man the fish were biting like crazy today! i only caught two, but every time i put my hook in the water, something bit it! we went through a ton of worms only to catch 2 little sunfish or blue gills. they kept taking our bait!
colby baited his hook for the first time tonight. he just sat down and did it! i didn't have to convince him or anything. yay, colby!
photo of the day #141
baiting a hook

colby didn't catch a frog with his fishing pole this time, but he did capture one on camera! this big guy sat there and watched us fish the whole time. it was like he was the lookout for the rest of the frogs! all of the others jumped in the water and never resurfaced when we walked up, but this guy came back and didn't leave!

after fishing i went to loops with lisa. it's a really awesome yarn store in a really ritzy part of tulsa! i felt so out of place in that store. i'm sure they could smell my "just from fishing" odor when i walked in! oh, well....
they had so much yarn! i had to touch all of it and of course look at the prices! one skein of yarn that i really liked already had tiny beads worked into the strands. guess how much that one skein cost...........$239!!!! yes, you read that correctly two hundred thirty-nine dollars! the yarn in this picture was my favorite because it was so stinkin' soft! i just kept petting it! even the label read, "touch me"! how nice of it to give me permission!

when i sat down tonight to blog, i felt sorry for joey because he hasn't been out of his cage much this week. so i got him and put him on the desk in front of me. he immediately stepped up onto the keyboard. {i think he likes the sound of his little toes on the keys.} of course i took a picture because he looked so cute perched up there like he was some sort of stud! but i needed to type so i put him on my shoulder. and guess what i found on the keyboard........yep, poop!
what is it with our animals??????

quote of the day: "I just baited my first hook!" ~Colby