i couldn't think of a title for today's post, so i'm going with blank. nothing earth-shattering happened today. just another monday in my world.
around 8:00 tonight i was scrambling around here taking pictures trying to find something that would be my photo of the day. first i went in the back yard and took pictures through the holes in the fence, hoping i'd get a really cool pic....not really. {although i did discover a removable knothole!}

then i came back in the house and decided to mess with colby by taking a picture of him in the bathtub! he kept screaming and hiding behind the curtain and the bottle of soap! {finally......he's becoming modest!}

then i went outside in the front, but all i got was a picture of these flowers. that wasn't speaking to me either tonight because i've taken lots of pictures of flowers lately.

so i came back in the house and heard squirt squeaking. i know i've taken pictures of him recently, but he's so stinkin' cute!!! i sat down in the floor right in front of his cage, and rocky didn't like that AT ALL. he kept barking and jumping up to see squirt. but when i picked him up and held him high enough to reach squirt, he couldn't get out of my arms fast enough! little, hairy chicken!

after all those photo shoots i thought, surely, i would find something worthy of being called photo of the day. when my photos uploaded, the perfect picture all but slapped me upside the head! duh!!! i already had my photo of the day from early this morning!
when spencer went out to feed rocky, he noticed a small piece of a rainbow in the morning sky. he ran in the house shouting, "mom!!! hurry, you gotta see this! get your camera! it's a rainbow and the sky is beautiful!" {smile.} i know i've said it many times before, but i absolutely love that my boys take time to notice all the beautiful things god has created! so here it is....
photo of the day #227
morning rainbow

quote of the day: “Set out each day believing in your dreams. Know without a doubt that you were made for amazing things.” ~Josh Hinds; motivational speaker, author