that one word describes my day...bitter-sweet.
sometime after midnight, i got a call from my sister saying that dad had been taken by ambulance because he was having chest pains. i immediately felt like i was going to vomit or pass out. i couldn't believe this was happening to my dad again! of course i couldn't really sleep after that. i laid in bed for a long time crying and begging god, "please don't take dad yet. please don't take dad yet."
today was professional development so i kept my phone out and on the whole time waiting for word on dad. praise god it wasn't too serious. he had to have a stent replaced, and he'll hopefully be going home tomorrow. his heart is very healthy, but his arteries are the problem. keep praying.
then after lunch on the way to the second of professional development i got a call from the principal of jane phillips elementary offering me the job i'd interviewed for on wednesday. i couldn't believe it. since our meeting was in the same building as human resources, my current principal suggested that i go ahead and turn in my letter of resignation.
as i was sitting in my car writing this letter, i started bawling! i was suddenly flooded with memories of my 3 years at park lane and all the wonderful friends i've made. i couldn't stop crying! i walked into human resources, handed the lady my letter with tears running down my face, and turned to leave. she stopped me and said to pull myself together because i had to talk to someone higher up in HR! the other lady reassured me that i would be able to get out of my contract so i didn't need to worry. i blubbered, "that's not why i'm crying! this is a lot harder than i thought it would be!" they all probably thought i was nuts!
crying eyes...

so in a couple of weeks i will be starting all over again in a brand new place. i will also be teaching something i've never taught before....2nd grade! i know once i get into the swing of things, i'll be fine. but right now i'm really nervous about it!
when i got home this evening i was emotionally drained. i needed some comfort, so i made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and sweet tea for supper! the only time i ever make that is when i've had a really rough day! and if that wasn't enough to make me feel better, i had christmas music playing while i was cooking!
then after supper the family played games. first it was wahoo {which i totally stunk at tonight! i never even got one marble half-way around the board!} then we played the old marble game stay alive. after that it was some serious bananagrams. spencer kept winning and winning! it was so frustrating! i wouldn't let them quit until i finally beat him!

me...the LOSER
photo of the day#259
say cheese!

quote of the day: "Raise the praise--Minimize the criticize."~Todd Whitaker