friday was the premier of missoula children's theater's production of rumplestiltskin! after 4 nights of practice for 4 hours per night, the show was a huge success. i am still amazed at the whole process of starting with 180 kids monday afternoon, narrowing that down to 60 by monday night and producing a play by the end of the week!
colby and spencer even had some fans in the audience watching! grandma came all the way from edmond to watch, and there were at least 7 people from church as well!
the knights of blat

the main cast and crew
the cutest little singing, stinging bee! zap!

photo of the day
the entire cast and crew of rumplestiltskin

saturday i took colby to broken arrow for ethan's birthday party. while they were having a blast bowling, i hung out with geeg and nellie at river city trading post in jenks. they found a lot more stuff than i did, but i found what i think is the perfect birthday present for my brother. i can't tell you what it is because he reads my blog. the clerk at the store asked me if i was going to buy when i took it to the counter to ask if it really still worked! she was so disappointed when i said yes. bummer for her!!!!
on the way back to bartlesville i pulled off the side of the road to take this picture. i have passed this little canyon many times and have thought about taking a picture. this was the day for the picture. it is just a beautiful small canyon carved out of the land in the middle of a field. i've always been fascinated by it.
photo of the day

sunday was another blood drive at church. i'm glad they schedule these regularly so i'll know when it's time for me to donate again!
even the preacher gave some blood!

the first 50 people to sign up to give blood had their names put into a drawing for a ginormous box of chocolate truffles. and guess what......i won one of them! i thought it was pretty amusing and ironic since i don't really like valentine's day! oh, well! the chocolate is still yummy!
photo of the day
my big heart!

yesterday was hectic from the moment i woke up until the moment i finally went to bed. i don't have a photo of the day, but i do have a conversation of the day!
colby: mom, dad said to help me with my bath.
me: why can't he do it? i'm busy writing my lesson plans.
cobly: because he's watching the olympics. he's your husband and he said to help.
me: so?????
colby: soooo.....he's your husband...your OLDER HUSBAND and he said to do it. you have
me: i don't think so. that's not how it works. i think you've got the wrong understand of
the marriage relationship.
colby: what? did i pronounce it wrong???
{for all of you thinking daryl isn't the boss of you and he can't tell you what to do, don't worry. he didn't actually say all that! colby exaggerated! }
tonight was a first.......the boys actually chose to sit on the same side of the table and they didn't even fight! what a moment! i had to capture it!
photo of the day

daily grateful: daryl, spencer and colby