Saturday, March 27, 2010
my week at a glance
on tuesday these two precious people you see in the picture below made a little girl's day so special! this couple mentors two kids in my class. one of the kids' birthday was tuesday and they showed up with cupcakes for the whole class because they knew that most of the kids' parents at my school can't afford to send cupcakes for their kids' birthdays! such kind people!
later that afternoon i looked out my rearview mirror and saw elmo's life being threatened from the backseat of my car! :)
wednesday night i went to the tulsa workshop worship service. amazing ac cappella music! i am so grateful to god that we still live in a country where we are free to gather and worship him (even though things are happening in our government right now that i don't like.).
thursday afternoon we went to k-mart for a few things (i don't normally shop at k-mart but wal-mart is so stinkin' crowded that i really hate going in there!). the varmints discovered some blue singing fish on the easter aisle. the fish are like the big mouth bass that was popular a while back. they are apparently the fish that are used to make the mcdonald's filet-o-fish sandwich. they sing this whole sad song about being eaten. the varmints thought they were hysterical. they both manned 2 fish and had synchronized fish singing! more than one k-mart employee came down the aisle to see what all the music and laughing was about!

and of course our week wouldn't be complete without a visit to our favorite duck park! i love the geese because they are just so fearless. they walk right up to you and stick their honking beaks right in your business!
my favorite duck, chuck (i named him!), waddled over to see me! (daryl thinks he's ugly. that is so mean!) poor chuck is pigeon-toed!
we also met this adorable little dog on our visit to the park. she was so friendly! i had a hard time getting her picture because she was jumping all over us!
a few flowers were starting to bloom! not only are these beautiful, but they smell SO good!
in case you can't tell, that's the moon just to the right of the branches. it looked much cooler in person.
today i slept in really late, ate a few cheeseballs for lunch and went to wal-mart with the family. colby got his hair cut there at the salon. when the stylist was finishing up on him she asked me if i wanted his neck rounded or straight. i told her i really didn't care because no one had ever asked me that before. they just cut his hair. about that time colby chimed in and said, "uhh...i like my neck just the way it is!!!" i couldn't help but laugh! i reassured him that the lady wasn't going to cut his neck....just the HAIR on his neck! too funny!
Monday, March 22, 2010
ugh. snow.
so let's just say that i was less than enthusiastic about all the snow we got over the weekend. friday had been such a beautiful, warm, sunny day, and then wham! SNOW! yes, snow is beautiful, too, but i've had enough of it this's time for some green grass and trees and colorful flowers!
most of saturday i stared out the window at the falling snow. i was mainly watching the bird feeder to see what kinds of birds (or squirrels) would drop by for a snack. there were lots of cardinals, but i managed to scare them off every time i cracked the door open for a better shot.
Friday, March 19, 2010
it's been a long, long time
wow. it's been almost a month since i blogged! that's a long time!
so here's what's been going on in my life....
the boys finally got brave enough to feed the geese by hand! so fun!
a couple of weekends ago the weather was so beautiful that i just went outside and laid down in the grass and soaked up some sunshine! then i got all my boys to go on a road trip with me!
the geese were very friendly to flat stanley!
the next weekend i went antiquing in broken arrow with all my boys again! we didn't really find anything, but i really wanted this 3 foot plastic easter bunny! i don't know what it is about large, plastic, light-up decorations that make me smile so much! if he hadn't been almost $20, he would have come home with me!
we spent most of spring break in broken arrow {since we still own a house there. ugh!} of course we had to get up early and drive to bartlesville for church. that's usually not so bad except this happened to be the weekend the time changed! {i despise losing an hour of sleep!} i tried to sleep in the car on the way there, but i didn't have much luck. the boys, however, had no trouble at all!
monday the boys and i went shopping at a few stores i've missed!
tuesday evening i was in the kitchen cooking dinner when spencer came running in the house shouting, "mom! come quick! colby's bleeding!!!! a lot!!!" somehow daryl heard colby screaming before i did and made it to him first. he was sitting on the trampoline shrieking and holding both hands up. blood was pouring down his face and dripping into his hands. my first thought was.....stitches!
we got him cleaned up, bandaged and finally settled down. then we learned what happened. the boys were wrestling around on the trampoline and somehow spencer's front tooth went in to colby's forehead! so colby has a gash the size of spencer's front tooth! i think all the blood scared colby more than the pain did.
i thought colby had taken the brunt of the collision, but i was wrong. spencer's PERMANENT front tooth cracked going across it just under the gum line! he had to go to his dentist at 7:30 the next morning to see if dr. owens could fix it. because of crack's location, dr. owens wanted to make sure there wasn't more damage up under the gum so he sent spencer to an endodontist. spencer had a root canal done that same day! that's when we found out that there is also a crack up under the gum! so now we are waiting for him to see a prosthodontist!!! dr. owens patched the crack temporarily until this other dentist can fix it permanently! wow!
it's hard to tell in this picture, but the cracked tooth is the one on the left. his gum is actually swollen over the crack!
headwound harry strikes again!
so while they were busy doing that, colby and i played!
our first stop was the duck park! {of course!}
i got brave and actually sat down on the ground at the edge of the water to watch the ducks and geese. these 2 geese started fighting just a few feet away from me.

then the next thing i knew these 4 geese started honking and headed straight for me! they had no fear! they were close enough for me to touch without straightening my arm out! then they started ducking their heads and honking even louder. that's when i decided it was time for me to get the heck out of dodge!
before i got up, though, i asked one of the geese if i could take a picture of his adorable feet!
colby spent his time making sure that all the "sleeping" ducks got some bread, too! he was so cute!
he also took some time to pick some flowers for me!

after duck park, we drove to osage hills state park. we were both in the mood to keep exploring nature, and that's the only other place i could think of going that spencer and daryl wouldn't mind us going without them.
it is a nice little state park. lots of picnic tables and camp sites. our church is hosting a church camp out there this summer! i bet it's beautiful then!
colby found a lady bug!
i looked for woodpeckers that i kept hearing in the trees!
i also got a visit from this friendly little critter! i almost knocked it off without taking a picture! i'm glad i didn't because it's amazing up close!
i don't know what these are but they are beautiful!
i found this tree with a heart in it! i've lived here 5 months and have never noticed it! shame on me.
i call this picture "rocky at sunset".
colby just adores honey!
i think dirty little boy feet are cute as long as they're not on me!
spencer loves these things because they look like grenades!
the tree is still sad because tomorrow is the first day of spring, and we're supposed to be getting many inches of snow!!!!! i feel the same way about the approaching winter storm!
to me it looks like zorro had been by this tree and left his mark!
quote of the day:“Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands: a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.” ~Sidney Lovett
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