Monday, September 8, 2008

more cravings

"dude, when you're my age, you'll be craving girls, trust me.  but some of the girls that are hot have really ugly toes."

~ 4th grade boy talking to my 5 year old son on the way home from football practice!


GiGi said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i'm laughing so hard right now. it's funny that a 4th grade boy would even notice a girl's toes! that is hilarious! your world is so funny. i know it's because you're surrounded by boys all the time.

nellie rae said...

oh my gosh. that is hilarious. laughing out loud. who says that?
ames i read something today that made me think of you because you are surrounded by boys:
definition of a boy: noise with dirt on it.
p.s. i have to drop off your scrap stuff at your house that summer sent you!!!!

summer said...

how funny is that? toes, really? i can't decide if I'm glad the kid noticed toes or not...

amy said...

drop away, nellie bellie! i can't wait to see all the neat stuff from summer!!! love the quote. it's soooo true!

thank you SUMMER!