Wednesday, September 10, 2008

today's colby moment

today i got an email from colby's teacher that she sent to all the parents reminding us that our little kindergartners had homework due.  she kindly thanked the {11} out of 24 who turned it in today.  unfortunately, we were NOT one of the eleven!  can you believe that???? how embarrassing!!! i am a teacher for goodness' sake.

anyway, since i was working late today, i told colby that he needed to do his homework and turn it in tomorrow.  his assignment was simply to draw a picture of his favorite thing to do with his family.  so he sat down and started working.

i asked, "so what are you drawing?"

colby, "i don't know."

me, "i see green on your paper."

colby, "it's just grass."

me, "ok."

i went back to work.

 a few minutes later colby shouted, "i know what i'm gonna draw!  the front end of a combine! 

 (for those of you non-country people it's pronounced com' bine...accent on the first syllable {rhymes with tom}...and it's farm equipment kind of like a tractor)

me, " what?"

colby, "a combine."

me, "we don't own a combine and you've never been on a combine."

colby just giggled and said, "i know."

the {boy} cracks me up!


GiGi said...

what a hoot! that's his favorite thing to do with his family, huh? i can just hear his giggle. makes me laugh. :)

nellie rae said...

your world is so funny with the two VERY different personalities in your kids.'re funny. i hear his giggle too. so cute.

nellie rae said...

okay, so no. i dont know what that red thing is on the side of your page. its killing me!!!!

amy said...

the red thing on the side of my page is a close up of one of the red poles/columns at the front of some sonics.