Saturday, September 13, 2008

what a happy day!

gee whiz!  there's so much to tell today!  you might want to get a little snack and use the potty before you read today's blog because you might be here a little while!  go ahead....i'll wait......

first of all, it's saturday!  no work!  AND the boys were so good and quiet this morning that i slept in until 9:00!  sweet!

then before spencer's football game, colby and i ran in to the shell gas station to grab a snack.  and guess what i found... BIG RED.... in a 20 oz. bottle!  i {heart} big red, and it's not that easy to find around here unless you buy a 2-liter or a 12 pack.  
and the rain held off until the last few minutes of spencer's game so it wasn't as miserable as i thought it was going to be...another happy thing. {we won't talk about the score, though}

at 4:30 our babysitter arrived to watch the boys so we could go to the american idols concert!!!!

before the concert, the preacher and i had dinner at johnny carinos where i left my first hope revolution card!  {these cards are just happy little notes to encourage strangers.  i made them the other night with nellie and gina.  if you want to know more about this, google hope revolution.}

then i slipped another card in with the cash we gave the parking lot attendant downtown, and she read it right then and said, "awww, thank you so much!"  that made me {smile}.  i left my final card tonight in the mens' bathroom at the BOK center.  yes, you read that correctly....the mens' bathroom.  {they closed some of the mens' bathrooms and designated them for women tonight}.  i was going to leave it on one of the urinals, but there were lots of women in there, and they might have thought i was a bit strange.  so i left it on the toilet paper holder inside one of the stalls.  i didn't take a picture because there was a line of women waiting to tinkle, and you know how impatient women can get!

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST....the american idols concert!!!  it was so awesome!  the BOK center is really nice.  we had great seats, and all of the artists performed well.  this was their last show, so they played around and really enjoyed themselves.  kristy lee cook and sayesha made me cry with their songs.  kristy sang "god bless the usa" and everyone was standing and singing and i got all choked up.  {music does that to me}  then sayesha got all emotional at the end of her set, and that got me a little misty as well. {i got a great new message for one of my cards from sayesha's last song!}  and even though i'm not a big david archuleta fan, he did a great job tonight.  i really enjoyed his songs.

but the best part, of course, was david cook!  he opened with his remake of the lionel richie song, "hello".  i loved it!  then he performed the winning song from american idol, which he obviously didn't like, but that's ok.  i don't like it's way too cheesey.  at one point he actually was out in the middle of the audience standing on a chair singing!  i would have had a great picture, but the heifer in front of me stuck her arm up right as i snapped the picture!  


summer said...

how fun is it that you went to the american idol hubby and i actually got to go when they were in utah! we had so much fun. even baby cora went with us...she had ear plugs and fell asleep, can you believe that? i am glad you had a good time, and david cook is my fav for sure!!!!

amy said...

that's so awesome! i am a huge american idol fan! i wished you lived here! i think you and i would be great friends! {not that i don't already consider you a long-distance friend! :)}

by the way....thanks for all the scrapbooking stuff! that was so nice of you to share!

GiGi said...

ames, i'm glad that you got to go and see your {david cook}! so fun. glad that you had a {DATE} with your hubby. love that. and you slept in and found BIG RED???? your day couldn't be more perfect, could it?

nellie rae said...

looks like you had a great Saturday!!! i ate at johnny carinos too on saturday with jackie! yum potato and garlic soup with yummy bread!
so jealous about the concert! looks like it was fantastic! so fun!