Saturday, October 11, 2008



that's my new motto.  i'm tired of being fat and unhealthy.  RIGHT NOW is the time to do something about it.

so nellie and i are meeting every morning to walk/jog {she jogs, not me.  tried it.....not a good idea for a fat girl who hasn't exercised in months!}  we are also going to do Weight Watchers.  since i've joined many times in the past, i have all the tools and knowledge to do this without going to meetings.  i know that it works because i lost 30 pounds using WW before.  meetings are designed to make you accountable and get inspired to make it another week.  well, nellie is going to be my meeting.  we've already disclosed the all important {and embarrassing} starting weight and we are going to weigh in on monday mornings and report to each other.  WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS.  NO MORE EXCUSES!

so here is my before picture.  it is what i look like right now.  in a few months i will post another picture and there WILL be a difference.  you might not be able to see it because i tend to lose weight in weird places at first, like my fingers!  but i will know the weight loss is there because i will be feeling better about myself.

this is me one month ago at the american idol concert.


Lisa Howe said...

Yay Amy! You can do it! I will be praying for you and Nellie both!

nellie rae said...

thank you for doing this with me amy!