Monday, October 6, 2008


finally.  i'm sending my mom (and mom-in-law) my boys' school pictures.  mom has been asking me for a while when she would get some new pictures.  {the last pictures i sent her were pretty old.  colby was probably still in diapers and spencer was probably just learning to read! :o) }

i didn't know which pics i had already sent to her, so i got out ALL the school pictures i have of them, and she's getting a plethora of pictures!  a pictorial buffet!  now i wonder how long it will take mom to give me what i've been waiting for.......buttons!

mom has a bunch of old buttons that belonged to my grandma.  i've been asking to go through them for a while now, and the last time i asked she said she'd make me a deal.  i could have some buttons when she got current pictures of my boys.  so now the ball is in her court!

i don't blame her if she makes me wait a while for them, though.  she's been waiting a long time for these pictures!

love ya, mom! :o)


Lisa Howe said...

I am going with a moon pie on the mystery picture! Glad to hear you have buttons coming! My Grams has a big tub of old buttons too! I use to love to look through them when I was a little girl. Buttons just don't look like that anymore. They are just disposable!

nellie rae said...

why is it SO HARD to get stuff in the mail!!! its like my mind hears the word 'mail' and it shuts down into [find every detour around the post office] mode. i dont try to forget but i DO! i only think about it when im driving past a post office 'oh ya! i have to mail that!'
cant wait to see your awesome buttons!

amy said...

i can't wait to see them either! but i didn't actually get the pictures mailed today! the envelopes are in the front seat of my car!