Monday, October 20, 2008

not a failure

  this was the end of week 1 on my "no more excuses" journey.  that's my motto for getting healthy and losing weight.  NO MORE EXCUSES.  so i weighed in this morning {5 times} and went with the reading i got most often.  unfortunately, i gained a pound.  i'm not surprised because even though i stuck to walking every morning, i didn't watch my points as carefully as i should have.  i know that.  i can't do anything about last week.  i can only do something about right now.  

so like my friend jill's mom said, "you're not a failure as long as you keep trying."  so i'll keep trying.  I'M NOT A FAILURE.  i will do this, and i know that i must rely on God a whole lot more to help me do this.  there is absolutely NO WAY i can do it without him.


Lisa Howe said...

You can do it! I will be praying for you! Keep doing what you know you have to do as often as you can.

GiGi said...

don't stop believin'........oh, sorry, but a journey song seemed appropriate here. don't stop believing that you can do this with God's help. watch those points and mark them off with your bracelet. you can do this!!! keep moving forward. no looking back!!! love you, girlie.

nellie rae said...

never EVER give this up ames. we've made great progress in that we are getting up and GETTIN' going! that's huge! remember my first few trial days before i actually started WW? ya, so this is definately a good start. we can only work on TODAY. RIGHT NOW.
thank you for being my motivation in getting going on this. I NEED YOU!