Tuesday, November 4, 2008

and, it starts....

man!  the preacher's only been gone for 3 hours and we've already had an issue!  when i checked the boys' backpacks tonight, colby had ANOTHER  bad note from his teacher!  it was attached to 2 papers and it read, "UNFINISHED. It was another off, distracted day for Mr. Colby." 

geez louise!  you have no idea how much this bothers me!  he's a teacher's kid!  he's supposed to act better than other kids, right?  the music teacher said he's a stinker in her class, too, sometimes, but she can "corral" him.  she said she likes kids with "personality" that are also respectful.  she said colby falls into this category.

so back to the bad note....the last time colby got one of these he was grounded from all electronics.  he was also told that if we got another one, he would get a spanking from dad.  so guess who had to follow through with the punishment. yours truly.  you know, despite what kids think, parents really DON'T enjoy spanking their kids.  it really does hurt us, too.

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

Sorry Amy! That was not a great start to your adventure! Kids sure keep things interesting!