Saturday, November 1, 2008

that's all folks...

well, the BA White 4th grade season is officially over.  they won their tournament game this morning against collinsville.  

so they had another game this afternoon against BA 4th grade gold!  spencer's cousin harrison plays on that team.  i thought for sure we'd win this one because this was BA gold's 3rd game of the day.  they had to be tired.  but their first possession of the game they ran it all the way for a touchdown.  not a good way to start.  we came back and scored a few minutes later, so it was looking hopeful again.  i don't know what happened, but we ended up losing 21 to 7.  i felt so bad for the boys.  they played hard and they were missing 3 of their players who just quit the team!

i'm just glad spencer wants to play again next year.


nellie rae said...

Great JOB Spence! cant wait to watch you play again next year!! GO B.A.!!!!

Anonymous said...

we heard some parents talk about how they had to be back there at 5:00 but we proved them wrong!!!!!!