Thursday, January 1, 2009

welcome 2009!

it's here....another new year.  it's the time when people reflect on the past year, blessings and disappointments, and start to plan for this year.  they make resolutions.  i've made the same one every year since i got fat!  "I'm going to lose weight this year."  and have i done that yet?  obviously not!!!  the only new year's resolution i've ever kept is to read the bible in a year.  i'm happy to say that i accomplished that goal in 2007.

so this year, i'm not making resolutions....i'm making a CHANGE.  

that's my one word for this year.  i choose a word to be my theme word, my focus word...last year my word was TODAY.  so after much percolating (love that word, nellie!), i've decided that CHANGE is the most meaningful word for me.

one of my absolute favorite quotes is from Ghandi and it reads:

Be the CHANGE you want to see in the world.

 if i want my children to eat healthier and move more, then i'm going to have to make that CHANGE too.  if i want people to speak more kindly, then i'm going to have to watch what comes out of my mouth.

so it's time for a CHANGE in my world.  i'm not going to make drastic CHANGES right off the bat.  it's going to be small and significant ones.  the first CHANGE health-wise is giving up dr. pepper and all forms of soft drinks.  i'm addicted to them, and there is absolutely nothing nutritional about them.  i'm happy to say that i made it through today without one!!!  i know that probably doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but trust me, it's a HUGE thing for me.  i can do this one day at a time.  this moment is the only one i can sort of control.

i'm also going to try to blog daily and include a photo of the day as well as a quote of the day!  

so here's my first picture of the day for 2009:

it's an 'A' for amy!!

and the quote of the day is:

Be the CHANGE you want to see in the world.  ~Ghandi


nellie rae said...

AWESOME!!! i love your word. love your picture. love your quote.
very excited to see you make CHANGEs in your life that i know you have had concerns about. SO proud of you for making it through the day with no soda! yay YOU!!! you're right. you and i both have to take it one day at a time. guess what i did for 'discipline' tonight? i walked through a massive home decor discount at hobby lobby tonight and didnt buy one thing!!! DISCIPLINE for sure! and it made me so happy to get to the car refreshed i hadnt wasted money!!!!! :) cant wait to see your pics every day. that A is awesome!!! dont forget to print them out on your printer and get them in a journal!!! i am 6 months into my photo a day and have yet to print one out... :(
love you!

Anonymous said...

Good choice of words Amy. I have chosen mine too, but will wait to post it on my blog when I get my internet service back (hopefully soon!). Lisa H.