Tuesday, February 3, 2009


i just realized i've done a lot of stuff in the past few hours....
1.  went to wal-mart
2.  made dinner
3.  researched the 60s with spencer
4.  created a chain from 100 paper clips with colby
5.  washed the dishes
6.  took out the trash
7.  washed a load of laundry

and now it's almost time for daily bible reading with the varmints and then time to put them to bed!  then i can watch the first hollywood week episode of american idol!!!!  as soon as that's over i'm going to bed so i can get a few hours of sleep before the snore monster attacks!  i've spent the last 3 nights on the couch because of daryl's snoring!!  i don't move to the couch until 2 or 3 a.m. when it really gets bad, but then i have trouble going back to sleep AND the couch is nowhere near as comfortable as my nice, warm bed!  it's a good thing i love him and i'm such a nice person!

when i was waking colby up for school this morning, i was laying beside him (he had taken my place in my bed sometime after i moved out) and he said in his sweet little tired voice, "mom, can't we just skip school today?"

"what we would do all day?" i asked.

"just stay here in bed and snuggle," he mumbled.

trust me, it was a very tempting offer!

my picture of the day is of a t-shirt one of my students was wearing.  it's funny because he wore the same shirt yesterday, and i commented on it and said i wanted to take a picture of it.  he could not understand why i wanted one, so i tried to explain that i just like to take pictures of random things that make me smile.  he said i could take a picture for $5 dollars!  ha!  no deal!  so he kept bugging me all day about why i wanted a picture of his shirt!  then he showed up this morning wearing it again!!!!  one of the other kids started teasing him about wearing it for 2 days in a row so i asked him if he wore it again so i would take a picture of it, and he just smiled and said yes!!!  it's not that great of a shirt, but i thought it deserved the photo of the day!

pic of the day #34
2-day old shirt

quote of the day:  Some people are like Slinkies; not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.  
~in an email i got from my friend matt harrell

1 comment:

GiGi said...

what will power!!! i think i would've taken colby man up on the offer. totally loving the quote. need to remember that one for sure. :)