Friday, April 10, 2009

good friday

happy good friday {in more ways than one!}

it was a good day at school.  woo hoo!

i talked to my parents on the phone tonight, and i might get to go junkin' with my mom.  more details later.....

i hung out with some new friends tonight and got to scrapbook for 3 hours!!! thanks kelli and tracey for inviting me!  i had a blast!

photo of the day #100
hangin' with kelli and tracey

by the way........if your dog ever poops on the dashboard of your car, and it runs down into the defrost vent and your husband says it will eventually dry up and disintegrate, tell him he's WRONG!  what actually happens is that it will dry up and then 2 weeks later when you have to use the defroster, dog-poop shrapnel will come flying out of the vent and land on your dashboard like charred cornflakes!!!

random quote of the day:  "Chicks dig scars." ~one of my boy students said this as he was showing me one of his many scars!


Kelli said...

I made your blog!!! yay! Check me out! I had a blast last night too! Fun to hang out and play with photos! I totally LOVE your SMOR book. Can't wait to see it when you finish it!

Lisa Howe said...

Sounds like you did have a good Friday!! I hope your dog poop schrapnel days are over! LOL!