Thursday, September 17, 2009

52 solar ovens

i've had 52 solar ovens loitering in my room this week, waiting for the big cookout that was scheduled for today. in the past the 5th grade solar oven cookout has occurred in may. and since i've been at park lane, i've gotten rained out every time! so this year we decided to move it to september because it's usually still been scorching hot this time of year.

well this year was the exception. it has rained every day this week! today it was mostly cloudy with just a few scattered light showers, but it was just cloudy enough not to be able to cook our hot dogs. so instead of solar power, we used electric power courtesy of the cafeteria ladies!

the kids were disappointed that we didn't get to cook at school, so i told them to take their solar ovens home and cook something there. if they brought back pictures showing the event, i'd give them extra credit. i hate for all their work to be for nothing, but the ovens were getting torn up in the classroom. it was time for them to go.

photo of the day #258
lunch at my desk
quote of the day: "May the dragon of life only roast your hot dogs and never burn your buns!" ~unknown

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

Sorry the sun did not cooperate this week. I hope lots of them get the extra credit!