Thursday, September 3, 2009


tonight daryl asked me if i minded going to hobby lobby to shop for natalie's gift. duh???

i love going to hobby lobby anyway, but the thought of going alone..........bliss.

so i called geeg and she went shopping with me! we spent a long time in hobby lobby just roaming around and looking. when i walked into the store and looked to my right i saw the happiest sight...fall and christmas decorations all in the same aisle! the last 3 months of the year are my absolute favorite time of the year!!!
while we were in hobby lobby, some stupid bird left some runny poop on my windshield! what's really bad is that i ran out of windshield washer fluid!!!! so i am driving around with this green streak right down the middle of my field of vision! so annoying.
after we closed down hobby lobby, we went to the dollar jewelry store and roamed around there for a while. we didn't buy anything, but the rings and purses sure were cute!

then we had some hot chocolate at panera bread. we hadn't been there in a really long time.

when panera closed, we went to target and wasted a long time in there, too! i think we walked up and down the same aisle many times. we were just talking and strolling along, so we weren't really paying attention to where we were going!

we were in the middle of a somewhat serious conversation when i looked up and saw this these t-shirts. i laughed out loud when i saw the egg shirt. it was just so funny to me! {these shirts could easily be worn by my boys!} it cracked me up!
photo of the day #244
cracked up
i don't think daryl was too happy with me for staying gone so long. boys just don't get it that girls can spend a lot of time just talking!

quote of the day: "Are you from the dark side?" ~one 3rd grader to another

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the shirts. glad you had a shopping buddy last night. Sorry I missed out on the yarn toucing festivities. Lisa Howe