Sunday, November 1, 2009

earning their keep

the varmints were put to work today! they raked leaves at the kings' house. they've been begging for allowance but the only chore they have here is to make their bed!

they worked in the yard most of the afternoon. i was pretty impressed. of course once e.d. said they could use his leaf blower, it was not hard to convince them to work! colby even got to use the power washer to wash one of the garage doors!

i tried to tell colby that it would be easier to make several piles all over the yard instead of raking the leaves into one big pile. he informed me that he was making one pile so he could jump in it when he was done!
photo of the day 11.1.09
the pile

quote of the day #1: "Maybe you have so much stuff in your brain that you don't know what to do with it!" ~Colby to Spencer

quote of the day #2: "I can rake the leaves real fast! Just give me a match and whoosh! they're all gone!" ~said Colby when he was first asked to rake leaves


nellie rae said...

do not give colby matches...just saying luck with fire in the hayes family....not on your side.

love your pictures!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Your posts never fail to make me smile. Love your family so much! I think it is great that the boys got out and got some fresh air yesterday. It was a beautiful day. Miss you all so much! Lisa Howe

GiGi said...

i'm with nellie. no matches for the hayes boys. EVER!!!