Sunday, January 3, 2010

colby's surgery

monday, december 28, colby had surger to repair a hole in his eardrum. he was not thrilled about this at all. i couldn't blame the little guy.

the nurse wrote 'no' on his left ear so the doctor wouldn't operate on the wrong one!

colby just kept mumbling, "i don't want to do this."

colby wasn't thrilled about having to wear this hat, either!

we didn't have to be at the surgery center that early, but for some reason we were both tired! so while colby was out, so were we!

it only took about an hour before they called us back to sit with him. when we first walked into the recovery room, a doctor or nurse {i couldn't tell.} was holding colby and he was squirming and crying. he didn't have any tears, but he was making this horrible sound. the man holding him said he was just confused and not to worry. the recovery area had recliners instead of beds, so i held colby until he was alert enough to drink some juice.
photo of the day
december 28, 2009

after we got some juice in him and put his clothes back on him we got to leave. he was still to disoriented to walk, so daryl carried him to the car. he slept the whole way back to grandma's. then he slept for a few more hours at her house.

when he finally woke up he was convinced it was no longer monday! it took about 30 minutes to make him understand it wasn't a new day. once that was settled, he was ready to play some band hero!


Anonymous said...

Poor Colby! I am glad that was over, but I will keep praying that he does not have to go through that again! Lisa Howe

nellie rae said...

lol! i know how he feels on waking up thinking its a new day! that made me laugh. oh me. so funny. glad things went well. LOVE the new snowman header picture!!! so cute!

Kelli said...

So glad to hear things went well. I guess you know he's going to be alright when he's well enough to play Band Hero! Been thinking about you! Hope you are enjoying your snow day!