Sunday, January 3, 2010

today, january 3

so this morning we woke up bright and early, 6:00 a.m., to be in bartlesville for church. we had to leave no later than 7:15 so we'd have time to travel through the snow and so daryl could load his power point presentation for his sermon.

getting up that early was horrible for all of us because we were in the habit of staying up until midnight or later, and then getting up at 10 a.m. or so. needless to say there was much grumbling and complaining in the hayes' house this morning.

broken arrow got a light dusting of snow last night, but the further north we drove we noticed there was more snow. we arrived in the snow-covered church parking lot just in time to discover that services had been cancelled! daryl got the phone call as we were standing in the foyer!
church mailbox
we stayed at the church with a few of the elders to tell any others who hadn't gotten the message in time about the cancelled services. one of the elders invited us to his house for lunch. he said his wife had a roast in the oven, and there would be plenty! who are we to say no to roast, potatoes, and carrots????

it was a beautiful drive to his house. they live somewhere out in the country, and i just stared out the window at the scenery. the pure white snow against the dark brown of the trees is just gorgeous to me. i tried to capture a few pictures along the way.

i know it's hard to see, but the snow-topped hay bales looked like giant frosted mini-wheats to me!

photo of the day
january 3, 2010
blessing of the day: Today I was blessed with safe travel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved reading all your updates, adn I am glad to hear that you got an extra day of vacation today. Did not get your text till late last night. Have a great day! Lisa Howe