Saturday, January 9, 2010

today, january 9

tonight colby went to another birthday party at the conoco-phillips gymnastics center. this is the 2nd on in about a month. he loves going there.

the enter center is open for the kids to just run and play. there are trampolines, a rope hanging from the ceiling over a pit of foam blocks, a parachute, balance beams, spring boards, etc. colby finally figured out how to get on the rope by himself, and so he spent most of his time swinging on it. you can actually climb up the rope. it is attached to the ceiling, and there is a bell hanging up there for you to ring when you reach the top. only one kid could do it, and it definitely was mr. colby!

the white spots you see in the pictures are from the dust the gymnasts use on their hands! it's everywhere!

photo of the day
daily grateful: birthday parties

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

What a great place for kids to go burn off some of that energy. It looks like he had a great time. Have you thought of enrolling him in gymnastics?