Monday, October 11, 2010

fat guy's and a carnival

so last week wasn't all that exciting.

i had a 3-day workshop in tulsa about literacy. i've had a similar training in arkansas, but i still learned some great ideas and activities. the best thing was that we got to eat lunch at real restaurants (not in a teacher's lounge) and we had an hour and a half!!!! that's an eternity to a teacher.

two of those days we walked down to a place called fat guy's burger bar. it was really yummy. mom would have loved their french fries because they are "real". they still had the skins on!
daryl was sick all last week with a virus that the doctor said was very contagious and was lasting 10-15 days! yuck....i hate it when he's sick. he's not a happy camper.

saturday night the boys and i went to the fall carnival at school. colby got a ghost and a
pac-man painted on his face!
at then end of the evening we all came home with something we really wanted...

i got a chicken hat.
spencer got a viking hat.
and colby got an inflatable giant bat.
oh, and let's not forget the cotton candy.....


nellie rae said...

looks like you had so much fun! i love your hat! xo miss you!

Lisa Howe said...

Looks like you had fun while you were in Tulsa. Nice long lunches is nothing else!

GiGi said...

how is it that you always seem to end up in some sort of chicken hat??? hee hee. miss you girlie!!! hugs!

nellie rae said...

i miss you blogging!!