on our way to school this morning, i decided to stop {in the middle of the road} and take some pictures. i saw some birds on a power line, and that just makes me smile. when my mom was a little girl, she thought the birds were having church when they were all gathered on the power line.

spencer was in the backseat saying, "mom! come on! we have to go! we don't have time for pictures! we're gonna be late."
to which i replied, "there's ALWAYS time for pictures."
so i was adjusting the camera out the window to get the shot i wanted when spencer yelled, "cow!!!" i looked to my right, and sure enough there was a cow right there by the fence just looking at us! i love cows! they really make me {smile}. so i took my picture of the fence and then started to take a picture of the cow and spencer excitedly screamed, "give me the camera! i can get a great picture from here!!"
of course i had to say, "but we don't have time for pictures, remember?"

he took a great picture, and we made it to school with 3 minutes to spare! :)
(colby liked the picture because spencer managed to get a picture of the cow's udders. good grief! that child is crazy!!!)
Love the pictures! Especially the birds on the wires. Your mom's comment makes me chuckle! Will think of that from now on when I see birds "gathered together" on a wire.
colby. colby. colby. you so crazy. seriously. you must laugh every single day with him around. spence, dude, great picture and your mom's right. there's always time for pictures. love what you saw this morning, girlie.
ok. these pictures are amazing! i love your story about bird-church. i always think its cool to see that they sit the EXACT-o-MUNDO length away from eachother. they are really good at that. birds. he he.
and okay, lets talk about the most Goofy looking cow EveR. how big are those ears?, seriously. laughing at cow {LAC}.
i'm so glad i'm not the only one who notices exactly how far apart the birds are from each other! i think that's just amazing myself! i like your new abbreviation! LAC! i'm gonna use that instead of LOL from now on!
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