pic of the day #36
decade today
i remember thinking the first time i held him, "how can i possibly love something so much that i hardly even know?"
i have loved watching him grow. he's always been so curious about everything, and he's so bright! he has such a tender heart and he honestly wants to do good for God. i am so proud of him, and i love him so much.
now he is 10 years old! i can't believe it. it makes me sad to think that he's {probably} more than halfway through his time living in our home. in less than a decade, he will be leaving us to go to college and start his own family. wow.
change of subject.......................
25 days ago my world was rocked when i got a call saying that my dad had just suffered a heart attack. today he went to his cardiologist for his follow up visit, and i am thrilled to report that his heart is doing just fine! it is strong and NO damage was done during his heart attack! God is so amazing! he heard our prayers and healed my dad.
but i don't want you to think that if God had given a different answer concerning dad, that he would be any less amazing. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. no matter what his answer is, he will always be AWESOME. he knows what he's doing, and there is always a reason for the answer he gives. we may not understand his answers, but that's where faith steps in and says, "you don't have to understand the answer. just believe that He is in control."
quote of the day: "I'll love you forever; I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." ~from the children's book I'll Love You Forever
hap happy bday to spencer! dude, can't believe that your 10!! wow! hope you had an awesome bday!! :)
So happy to hear the good news about your Dad! Awesome!
And you are right about Spencer, he is an amazing kid. Always a joy to be around!
Lisa H. :o)
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