warning: this post is picture heavy!
first of all, this sign really bugs me! it would be ok if the company had a baby bird or something as it's mascot, and they were doing a play on words with 'cheepest'. but they're not!!!
tonight was such a beautiful, mild night compared to the nights last week, that i actually went outside! colby and i took a walk to the ponds to see what was happening down there. i invited spencer to go, too, but he said he could "care less" about going down there. FINE!
i saw lots and lots of these happy flowers! the more i saw, the cuter they became. so i just started picking myself a bouquet!
photo of the day #178
happy bouquet
look! we have cattails at our ponds! i had no idea! this is the first time i've seen them up close and personal! they're just plain cool.
colby found a "lobster claw"! how exciting!
i loved how the evening sun was warming up everything it touched, so i made colby stop and take a picture with me! love the glow.......
after our visit to the ponds, i decided i wanted to go see the fireworks show at rockets over rhema. {rhema is a ginormous church in broken arrow. they just got the title of oklahoma's second largest fireworks show, next to okc!} of course the boys wanted to go too, so even daryl joined in the fun!
we sat in the middle of a field, and had a perfect view. we also shared the field with a few bugs {which daryl wasn't too thrilled about....you can tell by the expression on his face! or he could be grumpy-looking because he HATES it when i take flash pictures in the dark. you'd think i'd be nice and quit taking pictures like that, wouldn't you?}
i don't have an expensive camera, so i don't exactly know how to take great shots of fireworks. but i think this one turned out really cool! love the colors!!!
tonight was a happy sunday summer night. i'm glad i spent it with my family.
quote of the day: "what a maroon." ~me
Wow! You had a great evening. Your walk to the pond sounds so nice. Love the flowers! That picture of the fireworks is really neat. Nights like that make me love summer! So glad it finally cooled off a little so we could get outside.
ames! i didnt get your voicemail until too late! i would have LOVED to go for a walk to the ponds with you! next time im in!
...no matter what camera YOU HAVE, you always take the best pictures! i love the pics you take and the things you capture.
love the fireworks pic too!
ames,those are cattails!!!!!
thank you, anonymous blurker, for correcting me on my plant! as you can see i changed pussy willow to cattails in my blog!
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