photo of the day #205
life is good
{photo by spencer for me!}

yesterday i took an unplanned trip to mom and dad's. i was taking my niece back to edmond anyway, so i called them to say i was coming to spend the night and bringing the varmints with me! {i did give them 12 hours' notice!}
when i called them on friday to tell them we were coming, pappy had just caught a turtle in his yard. i asked him to put it in a box or something until saturday so the boys could get it. i've been promising them that if we saw a small, non-snapping turtle somewhere that we could get it for a pet. the only ones we've seen have been on the way to school, so we've never stopped and gotten one. so i thought this was the PERFECT opportunity!
unfortunately, the other parent in my house didn't share my excitement about finally getting a turtle! poor spencer cleaned out a cage to take with us so we could bring him home. daryl said we couldn't have another pet since we're getting ready to move. so i said we could bring it home, keep it a couple of days and then let it go at the ponds. he still said no! can you believe that? {ok. yes, logically i get it. but turtles are just so stinkin' cute!} see for yourself! how cute is he????

when we got to grammy and pappy's the turtle was waiting for us in a bucket on the back porch. needless to say it was friendship at first site! the boys and i were immediately attached to him! the boys named him Squishy, which i thought was perfect.

even honey liked squishy! friends at first sight for them, too!

squishy is such a smart turtle that he learned a trick in a matter of minutes! spencer would say, "squishy! play dead!" and then flip him over. squishy immediately dropped his head backwards and laid perfectly still! it was so funny! {yes, i realize that's probably just a natural turtle reaction, but it was still funny to see!}

i had a blast doing a photo shoot with squishy in the backyard! he is so fast for a turtle! {we could have entered him in a turtle race and he would have had all the other turtles eating his dust!} every time i set him down in the grass, he tried to escape! he ran the opposite direction from my camera. i was laying down in the grass with him so i could get a good shot. this first picture is of him getting ready to run. the second picture turned out perfect! i love it!

besides squishy, grammy and pappy have an awesome yard and creek for taking pictures! i took so many photos on just a short walk down the creek. here are a few of my favorites:

look! this tree is smiling!!!!

after supper last night at this really yummy hole-in-the-wall catfish place, we drove around north edmond looking for deer. grammy lead us down some back roads that were loaded with photo opportunities! fun, fun, fun!!! old wagons, cows, wild turkeys, red barns.....

even today after church we saw some more wild turkeys!!!
photo of the day #206
gobble, gobble

quote of the day:I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. ~ Dory from Finding Nemo
p.s. when colby went outside this morning to play with squishy, his bucket was over-turned and squishy was gone. {sniff, sniff}
either a raccoon had a squishy midnight snack, or he helped squishy escape. i'm choosing to believe the second outcome.