check me out! looking pretty stylish, huh?
my friend, ashley {on the right}, posted some pictures from our youth group on facebook last night. i've had such a great time reliving memories of the 2 years i was in the youth group at the church in mckinney, texas.
those 2 years had such an impact on my life. i wish i could have been there longer, but that wasn't in god's plans. i'm very thankful, though, that god brought those people into my life.

the following picture was taken in one of the houses at medina children's home. our youth group went there for a week and helped do a VBS at the church in medina. i stayed in a cottage with ashley and stefanie. they are the ones that made me look like this! ashley said it was all in the name of love! {i was trying to impress a certain young man in the youth group.}
photo of the day #200
lookin' good
quote of the day: Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years {loved that show!}
Love the picture of you sitting on the curb. I can just imagine the conversation! Talking about a boy....
I have a similar picture of me sitting on the curb, with similar hair and sunglasses on my head! Will have to dig it out!
Jacob said you look hot in that second picture! :o)
That's hilarious!!!!!
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