before i was so rudely interrupted by blogger NOT uploading my pictures, i was talking about our trip to the pumpkin patch. one thing that frustrated me there is that it is SO HARD for me to make up my mind about which pumpkin to choose!!!
i carry several different ones around, set them down, come back to them and select a completely different one. ok, i know this is going to sound so stupid, but i even felt bad for the pumpkin that i carried around for a LONG time and then set it down because i found another one i thought was better! so while you're laughing about how dorky i am, here are the rest of the pumpkin patch pictures!
the farmer who drove the tractor pulling the hayride saw me taking pictures of the different pumpkins. when i stopped to take a picture of this tumor-covered one he said, "i used to have a girlfriend with a face like that! i thought she was purty, but she decided she didn't want me!" {giggle.}
photo of the day #287
mr. scarecrow, i needed your smile today

photo of the day #288
rocky leaning on daryl....precious!
sunday night the elementary kids had a game night and devotional in the teen room. they had a great time. i played a new game that was like I Spy books. i can't remember the name of it, but it was fun!
photo of the day #289
one of our elders playing monopoly jr.
monday afternoon the boys met me at the door shouting, "look what we found!!!" weapons. just what they need....
photo of the day #290
armed and crazy!
tuesday afternoon i came home feeling overwhelmed with all the stress of my new job, and i needed some beauty. i needed to release my frustration and forget about work for a while. i decided to take my camera and go for a walk. the sun was close to setting, so i didn't go far. but there was still plenty of beauty right by the house.
on my way out the door, i found this line of ammunition that had been unloaded in the hallway and up the stairs! colby had been here........{giggle, giggle.}
photo of the day #291
sunset through the leaves

this transition from broken arrow to bartlesville is unlike any other time we've moved. this is the first time our house hasn't sold quickly. this is the first time i've not started at my new job at the beginning of the year. this is the first time we've lived with another family.
i'll be real honest. this isn't easy. i've been kind of depressed lately. i feel like my life is consumed by this new job, and i don't feel settled anywhere. but this isn't the first time we've been unsettled. a little over 5 years ago, we had a house fire. we were "homeless" for 6 weeks. fortunately a generous lady from church let us stay at her family retreat. we called it the ponderosa. it wasn't easy then, but God brought us through it better than we were before {i think.}. so i know he'll bring us through this again. wednesday's picture of the day was taken at the ponderosa over 5 years ago.
photo of the day #292
poor spencer was sick again thursday and stayed home from school. he had a stomach bug. i pray none of the rest of us get it!
photo of the day #293

and last but not least, today's photo is of the sweet dog who has allowed us to invade her territory and live with her for a while. she's very protective of the boys!
photo of the day #294

quote of the day: "Have a blessed day, and BE a blessing today." ~unknown
I love it when you take a walk. Those pix are great! Did I mention i miss you?
awh ames! i just caught up on your blog....i've missed you so much! on so many different levels! i never realized how nice it was knowing you were just across the street...just goes to prove you never realize what you have til its gone...WE ARE MISSING YOU HERE BIG TIME! and cannot WAIT until friday with love, nellie rae.
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