since there was a heat wave today.......
when i got there, this lady was at the water's edge feeding the ducks and geese. i said hi and told her how nice she was for coming out in the cold weather to feed them. she said her husband buys a bag of corn for her to bring to the park every time he buys feed for their horses. she said she enjoys her time with the ducks because it's peaceful.
lady feeding the ducks
this leaf picture is for you, lisa!
i love how the orange of their feet stands out against the white snow!
duck prints!
two little birdies
the shape of these seeds it just cool looking to me
as i was leaving i stopped back by the ducks and geese to see if i could get anymore pictures. this little guy was the only one brave enough to come visit with me. he wouldn't look straight at me at first....he kept one eye on his buddies and one eye on me.
goose buddy!
may i help you?
happy orange feet!
got anything to eat?
Love, love, love those pictures! The pond looks so beautiful. Of course, the leaf picture was best. How nice that the lady feeds the ducks regularly! I am sure the ducks get excited when they see her coming!
Have a great stay-home-from-school-day. :o)
THOSE PICTURES ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!! love that you got out and did that in the cold! those colors are breathtaking...and surely a once in a lifetime opportunity possibly!
What great pictures! I can see why you had a hard time choosing! Love it! Maybe nature photographer should be your next career! ;)
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