geez! i know i said i'd blog more, but at least it hasn't been as long as last time!
so here's what's been happening since i last checked in....
we've had lots of people over to swim because it's just more fun when you have more people! one night we had almost 30 people in the pool!
(pool pics are courtesy of daryl because he wasn't swimming either of these nights.)

july 28th was daryl's 38th birthday. we celebrated with gifts and lunch at outlaws steakhouse.

colby gave daryl a shirt that said 'poke me'! this was the PERFECT gift from colby. for some reason he recently started annoying daryl by crawling in his lap acting like he's going to be all sweet and cuddly. instead he looks daryl in the face and says, "poke!" and pokes him in the face with his scrawny little finger! it's so funny to watch because it just drives daryl nuts, but he can't keep a straight face when he's telling him to stop! (it reminds me of how i used to bug my dad!)

this sign was hanging on the wall at outlaws steakhouse. i'm not from oklahoma, but i still think it's funny!

the day after daryl's birthday we headed to grapevine, texas for our family vacation! here's our first pic of the trip!

we stopped for lunch at jack in the box! i haven't eaten there in years (after eating there, i remember why...not that great.). BUT the cashier gave us 3 jack in the box antennae balls!!! they are too cool!

at the great wolf lodge waiting for the big bucket to dump water on daryl and spencer!

check out their faces! spencer is screaming and daryl has one eye wide open!

the boys picking out their wands for the magiQuest adventure at the great wolf lodge...

the adventure begins at the big tree.

ever seen the movie,
the shining? the hallways were loooooooooong and they reminded me of that movie! creepy.....

smallest balcony ever!

daryl promised colby he would go magiQuesting with him if he would rub his nasty feet! eww!!!

then spencer had to put his shoes on for him after the massage!

i don't remember why colby was so mad in this picture!

ahhh....the lazy river.....

the boys and i loved the aracade!

i hit the jackpot on this game and won 105 tickets! woo hoo!

not 3 seconds later, colby upstaged me by hitting the jackpot on the wheel of fortune game!

500 tickets!!!!!

spending their last tokens....

you could buy a
smurf with your tickets!
matt, judy, katelynn and courtney, a.k.a. the harrells, came over to the great wolf lodge on saturday and spent the day with us!
matt and katelynn waiting to eat lunch....

the boy in the GAP shirt standing behind matt "fell in love" with katelynn! he followed her around everywhere! even when we all got out the waterpark, he got out too and changed his clothes! so cute! :)

this happy little bear, well he wasn't little, was outside of the sweet shop! he just made me smile every time i passed him!

colby and spencer got glitter tattoos and crocs as part of their paw pass package.

daryl was fading fast......

after we left the great wolf lodge we headed to terrell to spend a couple of days with the harrells. there were too many of us to fit on one pew at church on sunday, so matt sat behind us. during the sermon we heard this loud rumble, crash kind of noise. we looked around and saw that matt had broken the end of the pew! the arm of it fell off completely! i'm surprised the preacher didn't call all of us out for laughing!

sunday afternoon i had a little 'me' time at the east fork antique mall!!! yay!

i have no idea what this little guy is, but i bought him! he's too cute! i named him 'mister.'

poor little pinnochio was stuck between these 2 scary christmas, troll, elf things.

i walked into one booth and nearly wet my pants when i turned around and saw this ginormous creature standing right behind me!

after we got back from vacation, i decided i wanted to tackle the extra bedroom. i'm ready to set up my creative space. i decided not to call it studio A anymore because someone else already has that as her blog name. i need to be unique. i don't know what to call it.
i figured since i didn't get hired at the 4th school where i had interviewed that i might as well keep myself busy doing something. i was starting to get really worried and depressed about my job situation. i didn't even get the job offer from my former principal. that hurt.

as i was sitting in the middle of this mess last tuesday, spencer brought me the phone and said a man wanted to talk to me. it was the principal from colby's school. he asked if i was still looking for a job, and if i would be interested in interviewing for a possible position at wayside elementary. he said they were probably going to be adding another 4th grade class because they had so many kids. of course i said i was interested! he said as soon as he got the ok from administration to add the class, he'd give me a call.
that call came at 8:45 the next morning! my interview was scheduled for 9:30 THAT MORNING! i was still in bed when he called! i've never gotten ready so fast in my life! that afternoon around 4:00 i was offered the job!!! praise God!
this was the view from my kitchen window sunday morning! beautiful......

these clouds were over my school one afternoon this week! at least there's some beauty in all this dreadful heat!

yesterday was the first day of school.
mr. colby, the 2nd grader....

spencer, the 6th grader! ( i LOVE this picture of him! he looks so cute!)

and me....the 4th grade teacher!

when we got in my car this afternoon, this was the temperature! yuck!

i promise i will try to do better at blogging. i enjoy it for myself, and i enjoy the feedback i get from my readers. so why don't i blog more? i don't know!!!!!