sunday afternoon our "game room" became campaign headquarters!
spencer is running for 6th grade class president, and we helped him make posters to hang up at school. that is the only campaigning they are allowed to do. no speeches. no handouts. no candy. nothing!
spencer came up with his own ideas for his posters and we just helped with the production of them. in this picture you see one poster that says "Vote for Spencer easy a caveman can do it!" he attached a picture of the Geico caveman!
the election is thursday! i'm nervous for him. he understands that this is basically a popularity contest, so win or lose, i think he'll be ok.
GOod Luck Spencer!!!! Great ideas!
those are great ideas!! haha! good luck spencer!!!! im proud of you for stepping out and taking chances! i wish i was that brave.
Spencer is awesome. I wish I could campaign for him, but sadly, 6th graders don't value my opinion! Imagine! LOL!!! I will be praying that it all works out for him!
Go Team Spencer!! I'd vote for you! I'm proud of all your hard luck - good luck!
Hard WORK not luck!! I think it's my bedtime!
S-P-E-N-C-E-R. what does that spell? spencer!!! spencer! spencer! yay spencer!!!
i'm cheering for you buddy!!! :)
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