remember that horny toad that one of my kids found outside? well the kid that found him went home that weekend, researched the critter and bought everything he needed to keep it as a pet! and guess what else he did...brought it back to school to have as our CLASS pet! i'm such a sucker for critters. they fascinate me, so of course i let it stay.
this is spike. his favorite thing to do is straddle this soccer ball eraser one of the kids put in his cage! so funny!
doesn't he look dead to you???? (don't worry. he's not dead, just weird!)
mission accomplished!
two of my very best friends, nellie and gina, came up from tulsa friday night! they spent the night, and saturday we spent the entire day exploring, laughing and playing.
i took them to see the bowling ball yard art in nowata because it's just something you gotta see when you're up this way! of course i couldn't pass up the opportunity to take pictures again!
this little piggy is a new addition!
after we photographed the bowling balls, we walked around back and found all kinds of cool old stuff!
i know this is a picture of a pipe, but the colors of the brown and turquoise together were so amazing!
i detest spiders, but we found this one on a gate, and i couldn't resist taking a picture of it! the thing was huge! if i was brave, or stupid enough, to put my hand near it, it would have easily spanned the palm of my hand. {i just gave myself the chills thinking about it!}

after the bowling ball place, we headed north to kansas! we found so many flea markets and antique stores! score!!!! i managed not to buy a single thing at any of the stores, but i did find some weird items...

i think i had one of these when i was a kid. it seemed really familiar.
this christmas tree was made out of old costume jewelry! so cool! if i had old jewelry, i'd make this.

we were driving around coffeyville trying to find one last junk store when we stumbled across this lot full of wooden carved objects. i've tried to find out information about this place, but so far i don't know what they are! all i know is that they were big and so cool!!!!
most of them were HUGE like this cowboy. i was standing next to him!
but this guy was little. i thought he was cute, and geeg thought he was creepy!
my friends looking at me like i'm weird! :)

sunday i played some more {after my nap, of course!}
colby has been pestering me to take him to the park, so since the weather was gorgeous i gave in and took him to sooner park first. we were there about 20 minutes when he said that sooner park was boring. so we found another park where there were lots of kids and they all played tag forever!

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