Tuesday, August 26, 2008

happy pics

ok.  here's the new picture of Frog!  this is a happy picture!  when i look at it, it just makes me smile.

this other picture makes me really smile...not because it's a great picture of anything.  see that speed limit sign?  last week it read 35 mph, and now it's 45 mph!!!!  WOO HOO!  this was the hardest road to drive the speed limit on!  it seemed so stupid to have this stretch of road have such a slow speed.  i'm a speed limit follower so it was really tempting to speed through here especially when some germ or heffer was on my tail.  but now i can drive 45 mph!!!  that makes me happy!

i had open house tonight, so my brain is kind of numb right now.  i don't have any new challenge for you today, just keep looking for those little things around you that make you smile.  i'm going to go TRY to finish reading Breaking Dawn, the last book in the Twilight series.  i'm eager to see how it all ends!


nellie rae said...

love frog and love your ideas for pictures! i need to get moving on this and find something to send you. im finding it challenging to just find one picture i want to post on my 'picture a day!'

Unknown said...

This reminds me a story Kurt Vonnegut once told. Here it is:

And now I want to tell you about my late Uncle Alex. He was my father’s kid brother, a childless graduate of Harvard who was an honest life insurance salesman in Indianapolis. He was well-read and wise. And his principal complaint about other human beings was that they so seldom noticed it when they were happy. So when we were drinking lemonade under an apple tree in the summer, say, and talking lazily about this and that, almost buzzing like honeybees, Uncle Alex would suddenly interrupt the agreeable blather to exclaim, ''If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.''

So I do the same now, and so do my kids and grandkids. And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ''If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.''

So thanks Amy for your happy pics and story --if this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

amy said...

Love the story Carla!!!! Thanks for sharing!

summer said...

Have you finished Breaking Dawn yet? Let me know what you think!!