Sunday, October 5, 2008

i HATE spiders.......

my parents won't find this hard to believe, but i really don't like spiders.  my dad could tell you a story about how i came in the living room one night telling him to kill all the spiders that were crawling on my wall.  of course i was just dreaming, but i just knew they were going to get me.  i don't even like spiderman, and he's a superhero!!  
BUT i am very impressed by the beautiful webs they spin.  i was completely fascinated by all the webs that were everywhere at the retreat.  i couldn't stop taking pictures of them!  so now you have to look at all of them! {well, not all.  i'll spare you!}

1 comment:

nellie rae said...

THOSE are some very cool pictures. i'm with you though...i HATE spiders! give me the heeby jeebies big time! but those pictures are so cool. great pics!...once again!