Wednesday, October 15, 2008

souper day

today was another tiring day, but in a good way.  fall break has officially started!!!  woo hoo!  i finished parent/teacher conferences at noon, got the boys and went to wal-mart to buy all of our ingredients to cook the wednesday night meal at church.  i was originally going to cook sloppy joes, but when i left school today it was rainy and the temperature had dropped.  so i change my mind!  i wanted soup.

so the boys and i made stew, potato soup, and tortilla soup.  we actually made 2 pots of stew because the first one burned.  i couldn't believe it!  i have never burned stew and have made it many times.  it turns out that the back left burner in the church kitchen has a mind of its own and just gets extremely hot no matter what it's set on!  

so we made a mad dash to the neighborhood market and started all over.  the boys were a HUGE help!  colby washed 10 pounds of potatoes all by himself.  spencer opened a bazillion cans with an old hand-held can opener. {neither one of us noticed there was an electric can opener on the counter behind us!}  

it was a hectic and frustrating afternoon, but we got it all cooked and on the table with 5 minutes to spare!  it's a real good thing we made 3 pots because only 37 people signed up to eat, but over 50 actually came!  

the bad thing is i didn't know that our garbage disposal at church is more of an antique than a functional piece of equipment.  if you put too much in it {even if you do it in little batches} it backs up somewhere down the line and floods the hallway by the preschool classrooms.  let's just say there was an incident in the preschool hallway tonight!  {i promise i didn't know that would happen!  i felt so bad.}


Lisa Howe said...

Your soup was delish! I tried all but the vegetable, and it looked good too! I would love your recipie (sp?) for the potato soup. Yum! Next week is my turn in the kitchen. I hope we can measure up to your soup! You are right, it hit the spot today!

nellie rae said...

he he. glad it was you and not me. did you put a SIGN UP YET!? so i dont do iT!??