Tuesday, October 14, 2008


today was a long day.  it started at 5:30 in the morning with my daily walk with nellie.  

i rushed to get to school for a parent/teacher conference that was scheduled for 7:45 a.m., but the parents didn't show until 8:20.  ugh.  i felt sorry for the boys because i had to drag them to school an hour early.  they were troopers, though.

so during my planning period (9:05-9:45) our 5th grade team had a "meeting" at Rocket Brothers (our local Starbucks).  while we were in line at the drive through our principal called and said, "amy, you have a parent waiting in the office for a conference that was scheduled for 9:15."  i nearly passed out!  i KNEW i didn't have a conference, but i have been known to forget things now and then.  luckily my partner teacher was there, and she did the conference for me.  when i got back to my classroom, i checked my schedule and the parent was there at the right time, JUST THE WRONG DAY!  she was 24 hours early!  thank goodness it wasn't my fault!

my little friend who showed me his dog's toenails came up to my desk today with his hand closed and said, "mrs. hayes, look!" and opened his hand.  {my immediate reaction now is to jump back when he says that!}  in his hand was a small, clear crystal-like object.  i hesitated, but of course, i asked, "what's that?"  to which he excitedly replied, "this is what nerds candy looks like when you suck all the outside off!"  thank goodness it wasn't nearly as gross as the toenails!

the day dragged on for me and the students.  all of us were ready for fall break to begin!  finally at 3:40 they were dismissed, and round 1 of parent/teacher conferences began.  they all went very smoothly, but it's just exhausting.  finally at 8:00 p.m. i got to leave.  (this is my clock in my car, in case you can't tell.)

and tomorrow, i get to do it all over again starting at 7:30 a.m. with another conference (an hour before i am required to start conferences!)  gee, what a nice teacher! :)

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