Thursday, May 14, 2009


today i learned something very interesting about one of my good friends, lisa smor.  i must say i was perplexed by her confession.  she is scared of....well, maybe scared is too harsh a word. let's just say that she is uneasy about sock monkeys!  yes, you read that correctly.  sock monkeys. those adorable little guys made from red-heeled socks.

to me this seems like a strange fear to have.  i can understand snakes or rats or death, but sock monkeys?  really? 

 i'm afraid of these {which, by the way, is a completely rational fear!}

i can even sort of understand nellie smor's fear of clowns, several people share that fear.

but i've never heard of anyone having unpleasant feelings towards sock monkeys.  especially this one!  this is mimi.  she was one of my favorite stuffed animals as a child.  i just pulled her out of a plastic box tonight.  i hadn't realized before how worn and tattered she looked.  i guess i just loved her too much!
photo of the day #133
this whole sock monkey discussion came about today because i was looking for directions on how to make your own sock monkey.  i think it would be awesome to make one myself.  during my search, i came across this little tidbit about the history of sock monkeys.

quote of the day: "Fear can sometimes be a useful emotion. For instance, let's say you're an astronaut on the moon and you fear that your partner has been turned into Dracula. The next time he goes out for the moon pieces, wham!, you just slam the door behind him and blast off. He might call you on the radio and say he's not Dracula, but you just say, 'Think again, bat man.'" ~Jack Handey

p.s.  i'm not really making fun of lisa smor.  i love her to pieces!  she's one of the most awesome people i've ever met!


Lisa Howe said...

Jack Handey is a wise man, you can't trust someone who looks like a sock monkey. They just look...shifty. Like I said, they are the type of toy that would team up with Chucky and take evil revenge on... well, me. Here is my quote of the day.

Never turn your back on a sock monkey. Lisa Howe

amy said...

ha ha!!!! you crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Ok,you both have me in stitches! Love the quote, Lisa!!


Kelli said...

Check out They have all sorts of crafty projects with socks inspired by "Lost Sock Memorial Day" last weekend! (A holiday just for socks who are missing their partner!) I'm not sure about sock monkeys, but I know I saw a sock snowman project! And to each her own when it comes to sock monkeys! Long live Jack Handey!

amy said...

Kelli, I'm actually wearing socks from little miss matched right now! I love them! I also saw all the ideas for Lost Sock Day! Very fun!