Saturday, May 9, 2009

weird day

i don't know why, but i spent most of the day in bed!  i just couldn't wake up.  i took nyquil last night because of my sore throat and coughing.  it usually makes me feel a little loopy the next day, but not like i was today!
i slept in until 10:00, laid in bed until 11:00 and then got up and had lunch.  after that i laid back down to watch tv and fell asleep until 2:00!  so then i made myself get up and take a shower hoping that would wake me up.  it did for a little bit, but then i snuggled up beside colby (who has strep throat AGAIN or STILL) who was laying in my bed watching chicken little.  before i knew it i was asleep again and stayed that way until 6:00!  i could have easily gone back to sleep, but daryl was at the church and the boys needed supper.  so i made myself get up.  even as i sit here typing, i am yawning!  this is just so weird!

either the medications i normally take have interacted with the cold and allergy medicines, or i'm really sicker than i feel.  whatever the reason, i don't like being this tired!  i feel like i totally wasted my day.
photo of the day #128
where i spent most of my day
quote of the day:  The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.  ~Wilson Mizener

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

You had a very restful day! You should be caught up on sleep for the next two weeks. Hope Colby is feeling better soon!