Friday, July 31, 2009


i've been slowly packing up "studio A" for the past few days now, but today i finally finished. and i haven't felt sad about packing... until today. i got to all the memories i've just had tucked away for the past 3, letters, pictures and scrapbooks.

photo of the day #210
colby and i were sitting in the middle of the floor tonight looking at scrapbooks. he was looking at his pitiful 4-page book (my fault) and i was looking at one my friend {and partner teacher} in terrell, texas made for me when we moved from there. looking at that brought back memories of all the good times the teachers there had together even though it was a tough place to teach.

it just made me think of all the places i've lived and all the friends god has blessed me with in those places. without all those wonderful people, life would have been just plain boring! god is so wise in bringing just the right people into our lives at just the right time.

quote of the day: "God is good all the time, and all the time God is good."~Jerome Williams


Lisa Howe said...

I am so thankful that you were here for the past 3 years! I am really mad that I wasted 2 years and barely knew you. What a dope! I will miss you so much, but you have a beautiful future ahead of you in B-ville! I know there is so much fun to come for you.

Sabrina said...

I thought that scrapbook looked familiar! I have been such a bad scrapper lately. I haven't done a thing for Carson and Caden only has one for his first year.