Thursday, July 30, 2009


today the boys decided to play in a big pile of sand that was in front of the new house they're building across the street. i remember how much fun it was to play in the dirt when i was a kid, so i didn't mind.
they had a blast burying each other! but when they were finished, they were FINISHED! the nerds tried to come in the house covered in sand......wrong! i told them they could strip down and hose themselves off in the backyard or go jump in the cold water at the neighborhood pool. they opted for the pool!

somehow i got colby to let me play with his hair at the pool!

i made horns.
i made crazy hair.
but my favorite of all was the alfalfa hair!!! he looks just like him in this picture!!!
photo of the day #209
the new alfalfa
quote of the day: It's the merry-hearted boys that make the best men!~ Irish proverb

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

I love Alfalfa-Colby! He could totally get a part in a little rascals movie!