Saturday, July 18, 2009


well, we're home from bartlesville now.

what can i say but we REALLY hope that bartlesville is where God wants us. the congregation there just seems amazing. they love their community and there is a HUGE outreach effort towards the people of that town.

lots of things this weekend impressed me, but one that will stick with me is something the elders did at meals. when we were at dinner last night, and again at lunch today, one of the elders asked our server if there was anything they could pray about for her. wow! what a simple question with a great impact. both times our waitresses had a prayer request. so before we ate, whoever was leading the prayer prayed for that person right then! so cool.........

so now we're just waiting.......waiting for God's answer. we have been praying a long time for this. and if God's answer to working in bartlesville is no, we will definitely be disappointed, but we'll know that he has other plans for us. i'm not worried about it. he's always taken care of us, and he'll continue to take care of us. i'm just ready to see what the next chapter in our life is going to be.

so now for some catching up on pictures!
photo of the day #196
hotel phillips
this is the hotel we stayed in this weekend. it was very cool. it used to be housing for the phillips company, but now it's a hotel. we were told every room is different!

photo of the day #197
daryl's new view
hopefully this will be the auditorium daryl looks out onto very soon.......

this is one of the cononco-phillips buildings downtown.
i went to lunch with some of the ladies from church. we ate at this cute little deli/bakery called the rolling pin. downtown bartlesville is full of little cafes that are just open from 7-2 weekdays for all the conoco-phillips employees to have a place to eat. we walked around downtown for a little bit, but if i'd had longer i would have taken lots more pictures! there were just some really cool buildings and other things to photograph. i'll definitely be going back!

tonight the ponds were calling me. i love walking down there right around sunset. there's just something about the sunlight on everything down there that just makes me sigh and smile. here are some of the things i photographed.

this picture is actually from the crape myrtle in our front yard. all of the blooms are a deep gorgeous red except for this one that has a tiny pink bloom! how beautiful!

this little guy was munching on his evening snack just a few feet away from me. i was just about to move in a little closer when a kid on a dirt bike zoomed past and scared the bunny away. oh, well. at least i got this one!

photo of the day #198
i actually thanked this little guy out loud for staying still long enough for me to get his picture!

and now i have some more pretty flowers to look at in my kitchen! have i mentioned that i love going to the ponds?

quote of the day: Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering. ~Winnie the Pooh


Lisa Howe said...

Love all the pix amy, especially your pond pictures. I can tell how you feel about what you see. It shows through in your pictures!

I just know that God is leading your family to Bville, and I pray that you will all be very happy and fruitful there, or wherever you are.

Love you!

nellie rae said...

love your pics too. so glad to hear you had a great experience there...prayers are nonstop - your family is very much on my mind and heart.

sorry i missed your call to go to the ponds! i was at the car wash vacuuming the car! didnt hear it until on my way home and it was nearly dark...:(