Sunday, August 30, 2009

i don't like to clean

i know, i know. i didn't blog last night, but really my day was pretty boring. i can sum up my day in 3 words:


that's it. most of that time was spent cleaning, which i don't like to do.

spencer spent most of his time sleeping. he went to his first slumber part friday night, and as you can guess, with a bunch of 5th grade boys there was not a whole lot of slumbering going on. he did manage to stay awake all day until about 4 and then he crashed in the chair. he woke up, ate supper, and then was back asleep on the couch. we just left him there, and he didn't wake up until a few minutes ago!

photo of the day #239
sleeping cutie
quote of the day: "When I was a kid my favorite relative was Uncle Caveman. After school, we'd all go play in his cave, and every once in a while he'd eat one of us. It wasn't until later that I found out Uncle Caveman was a bear." ~Jack Handy


Kelli said...

My 5th grade boy was pretty tuckered out as well! Ah, to be 10 again and going to sleepovers! Love the Jack Handey quote!

Lisa Howe said...

I was worried when I checked your blog last night! Glad you had a boring day. Boring is better than bad!!!