Tuesday, August 25, 2009

open house

tonight was open house. i didn't get to go to spencer's because i was leading my own meeting during that time. i did, however, get to attend colby's. he's got another great teacher this year who is definitely going to keep him in line!

she had the kids make self-portraits to leave at their spots. of course they were all super-cute, but as i was carrying colby's in the house a few minutes ago, i noticed something peculiar about his...he drew his face with his eyes crossed!
photo of the day #235
if this were any other first-grader, i would just think it was a cute mistake. i know that colby drew his picture like this on purpose because he's always crossing his eyes {probably because it gives his dad the creeps!}. when i saw this i just laughed! that is SO colby!

quote of the day: “Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys.” ~unknown


Kristine said...

WOW! I must say I miss Mr. Colby SOOO MUCH!!!!!! I sure miss his insights and AWESOME questions! I hope he has a great year! :>)

amy said...

I'm sure Mrs. Durbin will share him when she can't answer anymore of his bizarre questions!!!!

Lisa Howe said...

Love the self portrait! Good job Colby. I hope Spencer is having a good year so far too! Safety Patrol, awesome!!

nellie rae said...

ok. that self portrait looks exactly like him!~ that is awesome!!!! love that photo. so glad you took that picture...so so cute.