Thursday, January 28, 2010

today, january 28

for the entire week, tulsa meteorologists have been saying we're getting slammed by a major winter storm starting wednesday night into thursday. be prepared, they said.

the storm slowed down, and so they issued a winter storm warning beginning at 6:00 a.m. today. so of course the kids have been anxiously awaiting this storm so we could be out of school early today and all day tomorrow. well, it didn't start doing ANYTHING here until about an hour ago (7:00 p.m.)!!! all of the major school districts in the tulsa area have cancelled school for tomorrow because the major storm hit them this afternoon. they have ice everywhere, but as of right now, bartlesville is still in session and there's just a little bit of snow on the ground. ugh!!!

one weatherman just said that it's still coming down though, so i'm not giving up hope yet!!!

photo of the day
he finally lost a front tooth!
daily grateful: a warm bed

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

I bet Colby was excited about his tooth! I remember when mine came out. What a big deal!