Wednesday, January 27, 2010

yesterday, january 26 and today, january, 27

monday one of my students said, "i can't wait until friday." i told him i was looking forward to the weekend, too, and he said, "i'm not excited about that. friday is when i get the food from the office to have over the weekend. we're almost out of food, and we're getting hungry."

my heart broke for this poor little boy. so yesterday i took my boys to wal-mart and we got some groceries for them. i'm not telling this story to pat myself on the back. the part of this story that's really cool is i ran into someone from church while we were at wal-mart. i told her about this poor family and why we were there. we met her a couple of aisles later, and she asked," do you think they'd eat this?" i said, "who?" she said, "your sweet family in your class."

i told her i didn't tell her about them expecting her to help. she didn't know them. to which she replied, "hush. god put you in my path today for a reason, and i'm going to help." how amazing is that???? i love that about god's people. so loving and so generous.

i took the food to that family today during my conference period. the mom cried. i told her that god has blessed our families, and we wanted to bless theirs, too. she just cried some more and said thank you.
photo of the day
tonight at church it was my turn to teach the 5th graders. they are notorious for being varmints! i was way off my game tonight because before class had even started one of them had picked my pocket! i had the keys down in my pocket with my happy face strap hanging out. one of them disconnected the strap and passed it off to another kid! i didn't even notice until i looked down and saw one kid swinging it around! i was about to say, "i have one just like that," when i reached down for my own and realized it was gone! wow!
photo of the day
daily grateful: blessings

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

Amy! That is such a nice story. I am glad you shared it with us, and that you shared with them. I am glad you were able to help them! You are an amazing blessing to so many people. I thank God for you EVERY DAY!