Monday, January 4, 2010

today, january 4

well, today was supposed to be the first day back to school after our christmas break, but instead we got a snow day! woo hoo! i needed one more day of doing nothing before i get back to work!

while i was supposed to be finishing up my lesson plans for the week, my mind began wondering. that tends to happen a lot when i write lesson plans because i despise doing them! i mean, come on! i've been teaching for 13 years....i know what i'm supposed to be doing! why should i spend so much time writing down what i'm going to do?
photo of the day
lesson plans
how many other professionals have to write out their entire day down to the hour for their bosses to see? and what happens to them if they aren't doing exactly what they wrote down they were going to do at that exact hour? do they get reprimanded?

seriously, let's think about this...a bank teller has been ordered to plan out his day. so he writes down that he's only going to accept deposits from 9:00 to 10:00, but someone comes in and wants to make a withdrawal. if the teller makes the transaction then he's not following his plans and could get in trouble. but the person really needed that money right then! do you see where i'm going with this? it's not like the teller isn't going to do his job if his week isn't planned out on paper! he knows what to do, and he does it. if he doesn't, then he gets fired. simple.......ok. done griping. :)

anyway, while i was working on lesson plans, my mind began to wonder thinking about what other career opportunities were available for someone with a teaching degree. so i decided to look online. i didn't find what i was looking for right away, so i decided to take a career aptitude test to see what else might be suited for me. after 100 questions of choosing what i'd like most and what i'd like least, this is what i found out.

as far as my personality, i scored high in these areas: doer, artistic, server.
i scored medium on organizer and helper, and i scored low on persuader and thinker. the test suggested that i look into the clerical field, writing field or creative field. the next career it suggested was in the food industry. teaching was near the bottom of the list. interesting.......

is it time for a career change?

daily grateful: no school today!

1 comment:

Lisa Howe said...

I think you could do anything! But you will never find another job where you get the summer off, unless you are a clerk in the school office. I hope you find something amazing... you deserve it!