yes, i know it's been a week....i'm sorry, i'm sorry!
i was having so much fun this weekend that i didn't blog!
let's go back to friday. {nothing much happened on thursday except survivor was awesome!}
friday afternoon, daryl and i looked at a few houses. i want this one.
friday night i got to hang out with the SMORS again! first we had supper at one of our favorite eating establishments.....Q'doba! one of the employees stood on the booth to take this picture for us!
then we all went to the church at battlecreek for their annual christmas gathering. i went last year and LOVED it, so i was super-excited for the smors to join me this year! there were tons of delicious desserts as well as tons of ladies! the line was ginormous, but it didn't take long once everyone started moving!
silver bag divas....nellie, gina, and samantha
samantha and gina with their shiny, new purse-size measuring tapes...
saturday was colby's 7th birthday! i can't believe my little man is so old! 7 just sounds so much older than 6!
since i was staying in BA friday night, i thought it would be a great idea to have a surprise party for colby and invite all his buddies from park lane. so i got on facebook and put the word out!
these are his friends hiding behind the couch waiting for him to come in. apparently they'd never been to a surprise party before because when i said the secret word, they didn't jump out and yell surprise! it was so hilarious!!! maybe we should have practiced first!
after the party, we had dinner at rib crib. we let colby choose, and that's what he wanted!
i think this monster-sized dessert had something to do with his choice!
right after this picture was taken, our camera was dropped into daryl's glass of sweet tea! he says it's my fault, and i think it's his! it doesn't really matter except that now the camera won't come on!
so the rest of the pictures were taken with my old camera that puts spots on all the pictures!!! so frustrating!
sunday night we went to a cook-out at the bean's house. we had burgers and smors!!! there was the most adorable hound dog that came from the neighbor's to visit our party. i kept trying to take her picture, but i just couldn't get a good one!
now i'm on thanksgiving break and loving it!
quote of the day: "Log off and go home!" ~ my boss...ten minutes early!
1 comment:
Yay! I missed your blog. Was Colby totally surprised? I hope your camera wakes up. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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