i don't have a lot of pictures from thanksgiving break because i'm still using the old camera. my good camera still hasn't recovered from it's sweet-tea-diving-adventure.
last wednesday was the first day of thanksgiving break. colby had an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat doctor because his pediatrician thought he saw a small hole in his eardrum the last time we were there. he sent colby to the e.n.t. because they have more powerful equipment. and sure enough, colby has a HUGE hole in his eardrum. he has to go back on the 11th for more tests with an audiologist, and then the e.n.t. will decide what to do next.
after that lovely news, we loaded the car and headed for edmond by way of hunan chinese buffet! this first picture is of one of the items offered on their buffet. i had to have photographic proof of this because i had never seen it before...these are chicken balls. {giggle!} no joke! it even said so on the sign above them!
{and no i didn't actually eat one! when i cut it in half it was gray and mushy. i'm sure it's just ground up chicken parts that have been battered and fried, but i just couldn't bring myself to eat it.}
chicken ball sign courtesy of spencer hayes!
thursday morning i got to watch nearly all of the macy's thanksgiving day parade! i would have watched more, but i slept too late! ahhhh......
while the parade was going i made sweet potatoes......yum-o! i don't have a final picture of them, but these smelled so sweet while i was cooking them that i think i could have eaten them plain!
this new version was amazing, especially the parts i was awake for! the music was beautiful, and the story was better than i remembered. as soon as that movie was over we loaded up and went to see the new movie planet 51. it was cute, but i wouldn't recommend seeing it if you're paying full price.
on friday i ventured out with my mom and my sister for a little black friday shopping. and, NO, it wasn't at some unbelievably horrible hour of the morning. i've been there, done that, and i'm not doing it again! they picked me up at 9:00 and that was plenty early.
mom quit on us early which totally surprised me because i am usually the one who's done shopping first! shopping just isn't my thing unless i'm antiquing/treasure hunting!
we had dinner at chili's with my family friday night. everyone was there except my brother. he wasn't able to come this year, and we missed him. it's just not the same when he's not around. hopefully he'll be there for christmas!
as we were sitting at the gas station, i realized i'd left martha in my sister's van. we had to go back to her house to get it, and i'm glad we did! she told me that we should drive by this house not far from hers because they had some really cool christmas lights. she was right!!! this picture doesn't do this house justice. it was magical. i loved the trees!
we came home friday night. and saturday i did absolutely NOTHING! it was wonderful. i knitted, watched tv, took a nap, knitted some more, watched some more tv.....
and sunday after church and lunch, i spent the rest of the time grading papers and writing lesson plans. blah...hate doing that.
monday it was back to the trenches. who knew that just 5 days away from school could change the kids so much? it was like their brains had been sucked right out of their little heads!
1 comment:
Woo hoo! You are back! I missed you! Chicken balls? Really? I bet Nellie is giggling! I dont think I would have eaten them either, but you were brave to put some on your plate. :o)
Lisa Howe
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